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NALC launches new model employment contract incorporating ‘Green Book’ terms

The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) and the Society of Local Council Clerks have launched a new model employment contract for town and parish councils, which incorporates terms regarding equal pay from the Single Status agreement, otherwise known as 'Green Book' terms.

The Single Status agreement sets out common pay conditions, which local authorities must follow to ensure staff receive equal pay for their respective roles.

The agreement applies to a wide range of staff, from home carers to lawyers.

In announcing the launch, both organisations said they hope it will support councils in attracting and retaining the most talented staff in their organisations and supporting them in their professional development.

"Offering good terms of employment supports the recruitment and retention of a high-quality workforce and demonstrates that the council is a good employer who values its staff," the statement noted.

A template contract of employment for local councils has also been published, which provides information on the statutory minimum provisions under employment legislation to ensure awareness and compliance with at least minimum requirements.

The template shows councils where councils might offer enhanced terms with recommendations from NALC to show how to align with Green Book terms or wider best practice.

An accompanying set of guidance for the template and model contract of employment for local councils has also been released.

NALC chair, Cllr Keith Stevens, said: "The future of the local council sector relies on all councils being good employers. Attracting talent into the sector and helping their teams grow in skill and confidence.

"The best outcomes for our communities can only be achieved where we have the best possible people working for our councils, with councillors and staff working in partnership.

He added: "This is a top priority for NALC and these new documents are part of a growing package of HR and employment support for our members"

SLCC chair, Adam Keppel-Green, said: "We firmly believe that to maintain a strong workforce, councils must employ their staff on terms which are consistent with those offered in the wider local government family, and we are pleased to commend this new model contract, which ensures these terms continue to be the standard for our sector, to our members."

NALC is a membership organisation and the only national body representing the interests of parish and town councils.

SLCC is the professional body for local council clerks and senior council employees and represents over 5,000 clerks in England and Wales.

Adam Carey