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Mother crowd funds legal action after autistic son “forced to wear fluorescent yellow bib” at school

The mother of a seven-year-old boy is crowd funding a legal challenge against a council, claiming he was “forced to wear a fluorescent yellow bib at school so teachers and the children in the playground were aware that he is autistic”.

Joanne Logan, mother of Charlie, has instructed law firm Simpson Millar on the challenge over his alleged treatment at Cherry Lane Primary School. She is seeking to raise an initial £2,500 for the claim.

Ms Logan said: “Charlie is at a critical stage in his life where he is developing relationships and learning about his own place in the world and he is given a bib to make him stand out so it's easier for teachers to spot him?

“Not only is this a horrendous way to treat a child but it is clearly discriminatory. I am bringing a legal challenge to make sure this kind of thing doesn't happen to any other children.”

Ms Logan added: “I'm bringing this legal action for all the other autistic children who are being treated in a similar way.”

Hillingdon Council said: "Cherry Lane Primary School advises us that reflective vests are not compulsory wear for anyone and are only used with parental consent.

“There is no legal case against Hillingdon Council in relation to this or any disability discrimination. Ms Logan has chosen to provide Elective Home Education for her son."