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Green Steves: Corporate Power Purchase Agreements - Sharpe Pritchard
Green Steves: Corporate Power Purchase Agreements - Sharpe Pritchard
Wed, 8 June 2022, 10:30 - 11:30
Online (live webinar)


Local authorities are large energy users too and will not escape the rampant energy inflation currently gripping the country. This will make their quest for a Net Zero Carbon position even more difficult as they try to make budgets balance. It may also mean that taking the source of their energy supply into their own hands is as much a financial imperative as a social and environmental one.

The majority of local authorities are, however, missing a trick when it comes to the procurement of renewable energy. In the corporate space there is a growing trend of corporate power purchase agreements. A corporate Power Purchase Agreement is a long-term contract under which a business agrees to purchase electricity directly from an energy generator. This differs from the traditional approach of simply buying electricity from licensed electricity suppliers.

The purpose of this webinar is to discuss the implementation of corporate power purchase agreements for the public sector.

Chairperson: Radhika Devesher, Senior Associate of Sharpe Pritchard LLP
Speakers: Steve Gummer, Steve Cirell and James Rooke (Cognizant)

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Online (live webinar)