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Environmental Information Regulations - Act Now
Environmental Information Regulations - Act Now
Fri, 4 December 2020, 10:00 - 16:00
Online (live webinar)
Governance, Information Law


Cost: £389 + VAT

The Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) are often considered the poor cousin of FOI and have sometimes been referred to as the 'Cinderella' regime. However, the reality is they are equally important. Many EIR requests are mistakenly labelled as FOIs.

In this workshop, we will explain how to identify environmental information under EIR, how to answer requests, what to publish pro- actively and how to correctly refuse requests by claiming the exceptions. Using case studies, quizzes and exercises delegates will feel more confident about EIR compliance after this workshop.

'Tim Turner is ace! What a hugely knowledgeable and entertaining speaker he is, inviting the trainee to think and make up their own mind after reference to the regulations and decisions. A very well worthwhile hour, not to mention a brilliant way of doing it – this online training is superb.' LK, South Yorkshire Joint Secretariat
'A very well worthwhile hour, not to mention a brilliant way of doing it, this online training is superb.' & LK, syjs

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Online (live webinar)