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Essential Guide to Overview & Scrutiny Committees - LLG Training
Essential Guide to Overview & Scrutiny Committees - LLG Training
Wed, 29 April 2020, 10:00 - 16:00


Cost: £215

The political landscape in which overview and scrutiny committees operate in has been subject to pressures from both communities and local residents, to ensure they focus on issues that are of concern to them.

Recent Inquiries have highlighted the need for more and increased openness and transparency of decision making and robust scrutiny of those decisions. Alongside this is the demand placed on the scrutiny function for real time holding to account through increased use of social media and digital technologies. Member relationships and cross-party issues can either help or hinder scrutiny outcomes.

Whilst these, and other pressures, create many challenges for officers who lead, manage and support scrutiny committees, they also provide opportunities for ensuring that scrutiny work is effectively linked to local priorities and outcomes. This practical course will provide space for consideration of these matters.

The course will consider the context and different ways of delivering the OSC function and role in a complex governance and accountability framework. It will consider the complexities and challenges faced by officers who are delivering multiple roles supporting committees. Through a blend of formal presentations and case studies, sessions will include:

  • The legislative context and guidance
  • Structures and systems in which overview and scrutiny is delivered
  • Political and organisational culture
  • Work programming
  • Good practice examples and case studies
  • The environment in which officers operate
  • Member officer roles and responsibilities
  • Looking forward- nationally and locally

Target Audience

This workshop is for you if you are:

  • New to supporting overview and scrutiny
  • Want to explore how best to support scrutiny members
  • The Statutory Scrutiny Officer
  • Involved in committee, democratic work and want to broaden your role

This course will cover the following aspects of the SRA’s Statement of solicitor competence:

A2 Maintain the level of competence and legal knowledge needed to practice effectively, taking into account changes in their role and/or practice context and developments in the law

A3 Work within the limits of their competence and the supervision which they need

A4 Draw on sufficient detailed knowledge and understanding of their field(s) of work and role in order to practice effectively

A5 Apply understanding, critical thinking and analysis to solve problems

B3 Develop and advise on relevant options, strategies and solutions

B6 Negotiate solutions to clients’ issues

This course will cover the following aspects of the SRA’s Statement of solicitor competence:

A1 Ethics, professionalism and judgement

A3 Work within the limits of their competence and the supervision which they need

A4 Draw on sufficient detailed knowledge and understanding of their field(s) of work and role in order to practice effectively

A5 Apply understanding, critical thinking and analysis to solve problems

B3 Develop and advise on relevant options, strategies and solutions

B6 Negotiate solutions to clients’ issues

C Working with other people

C2 Establish and maintain effective and professional relations with clients

C3 Establish and maintain effective and professional relations with other people

D Managing themselves and their own work

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