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Reporting pilot extension to include public and private law cases before magistrates

The family court reporting pilot will extend to include public and private law cases before magistrates in all 19 current pilot areas from 4 November.

The aim of the pilots is to introduce a presumption that accredited media and legal bloggers may report on what they see and hear during family court cases, subject to “strict rules of anonymity”.

This is done through judges in the pilot courts making a ‘Transparency Order’, which sets out the rules of what can and cannot be reported.

In January 2024, the pilot extended to a total of 19 areas across the country and has operated in public and private law cases before judges.

The Transparency Implementation Group, which has led on the reporting pilot, has announced that the pilot will also extend to include cases before magistrates from 4 November 2024.

As the pilot has extended, the President of the Family Division has re-issued the authoritative guidance setting out the pilot’s framework and rules.

The Judiciary announced that over the coming weeks, some Designated Family Judges in the pilot areas will be taking part in talks and discussion events in aid of a ‘Reporting Week’ being run by The Bureau of Investigative Journalism between 4-8 November 2024.

Lottie Winson