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Consultation launched on agency rules for local authority children’s social care

The Government has launched a consultation on new statutory guidance for the use of agency social workers by local authority children’s services.

The guidance provides a legal framework for local authorities to follow to ensure that everyone involved in the hiring of agency social workers is “aware of their responsibilities”, said the Department for Education (DfE).

The four-week consultation was issued on 31 January 2024, and will close on 28 February 2024.

The agency rules are designed to reduce the overreliance on and costs of agency child and family social workers and create a “more sustainable workforce” so more resource is available to develop the workforce and improve outcomes for children and families, said the DfE.

The Government noted that while it does not expect local authorities to change or terminate existing contracts for the supply of agency child and family social workers that are already in force solely to comply with these rules, local authorities should work towards full implementation of the rules “as soon as reasonably possible”.

The consultation is aimed at those who work in and with local authority children’s social care and those who support the recruitment, procurement, and supply of child and family social workers in local authorities.

The final statutory guidance is to be introduced from summer 2024, following publication of the government response to the consultation.

Lottie Winson