GLD Vacancies

Children law barrister joins 4PB

Charlotte Georges, a barrister who specialises in complex children work, has joined 4PB with immediate effect.

4PB said: “Charlotte is recognised as a leading junior in Family: Children And Domestic Abuse and brings a wealth of experience in handling complex public and private law proceedings, regularly appearing in the High Court.”

Her practice spans a wide range of cases, including child abduction matters involving both Hague and non-Hague removals, international children cases involving applications for leave to remove (internal and external), and wardship proceedings.

Georges was formerly of 36 Group. She was called to the Bar in 2007.

4PB’s Heads of Chambers, Charles Hale KC and Barbara Mills KC, said: “We are delighted that Charlotte has joined 4PB. She comes with a strong pedigree of complex children work and is widely respected by the judiciary as a very capable and experienced children expert. We have no doubt that she will go from strength to strength at 4PB.”

Georges said: “I’m thrilled to be joining such a prestigious set and look forward to developing all aspects of my practice further.”