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PM unveils new measures aimed at stopping female genital mutilation

Government ministers have launched a package of measures aimed at protecting girls from genital mutilation and early and forced marriages.

A new specialist female genital mutilation (FGM) service will be formed, including local authority social services, to identify and respond to FGM cases.

The Government-sponsored Girl Summit also saw Prime Minister David Cameron announce a £1.4m prevention programme in partnership with NHS England to help care for survivors and safeguard those at risk.

New guidance will be issued to the police on dealing with FGM cases and a consultation will be held on proposals to introduce new civil orders designed to protect girls identified as being at risk.

New legislation will mean parents can be prosecuted if they fail to prevent FGM being performed on their daughter.

Cameron said: “All girls have the right to live free from violence and coercion, without being forced into marriage or the lifelong physical and psychological effects of female genital mutilation.

“Abhorrent practices like these, no matter how deeply rooted in societies, violate the rights of girls and women across the world, including here in the UK.”

A report by City University London in collaboration with Equality Now estimated that 103,000 women aged 15-49 and approximately 24,000 women aged 50 and over, who have migrated to England and Wales, are living with the consequences of FGM and 10,000 girls aged under 15 are likely to have undergone FGM.