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Local authority mulls setting up of first grammar school in 50 years

A local authority is looking at whether to set up the first new grammar school for 50 years, the BBC has reported.

The move by Kent County Council comes after the government introduced new admissions rules that mean local authorities cannot block the expansion of grammar and comprehensive schools.

The school would be located in Sevenoaks, the only part of Kent not to have a grammar. The nearest is in Tunbridge Wells.

The proposal is understood to involve the opening of an annex by an existing school. However, it would see 120 pupils taken on for each year.

Cllr Mike Whiting, Kent’s Cabinet Member for Education, told the BBC: "If it went ahead it would effectively be a new grammar school.

"Between now and March we will find out what is possible and what is not possible but what the parents are asking for makes sense because there is no grammar school in Sevenoaks."

Meetings are expected to take place between the authority and heads of the county’s grammar schools this week.