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Businesses demand tougher approach to school closures in bad weather

The Federation of Small Businesses has called for a new approach to school closures in extreme weather, arguing that they should only be shut “in the most exceptional circumstances”.

Expressing concern about the lost work days as a result of the snow, The FSB said: “[We] would like to see the National Association of Head Teachers, Association of Directors of Children’s Services and the Department for Children Schools and Families get together and draw up better guidance for schools on closures during severe weather disruption, in order to prevent closures except in the most exceptional circumstances.”

The federation has also suggested that the normal rules on absence figures should be suspended during periods of severe weather.

Speaking on Radio 4’s Today programme, FSB spokesman Stephen Alambritis said: “There is a concern that the vast majority of absences from work is simply because parents have to stay at home to look after the children. We appreciate that, but we do have a worry that the Department for Children, Schools and Families and the Association of Directors of Children’s Services haven’t really sat down and thought through a code of practice.”

In response, a DCSF spokesman said: “These are never easy decisions, but we cannot and should not dictate closures from Whitehall when we don’t know local circumstances. We trust heads to make the right decision for their school.”