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Family Justice Review Panel seeks children's views on reform

The Family Justice Review Panel has published a new guide for young people, in order to encourage them to participate in its consultation on reforms to the family justice system.

The Young People's Guide, drawn up by Children's Rights Director for England Roger Morgan, is written specifically for young people to accompany the interim report published by the Family Justice Review ( at the end of March.

David Norgrove, Chair of the Family Justice Review Panel, said: “Children are the most important people in the Family Justice system and it is vital that they have a voice in shaping its future. The publication of the guide gives them this opportunity and the Panel will carefully consider what they say.

“Our recommendations aim to bring children to the forefront by creating greater coherence through organisational change and better management, making the system more able to cope with current and future pressures and diverting more issues away from court where appropriate.”

The recommendations of the review include reforms to the existing Family Justice system to see children and families all the way through the justice system with greater support and more efficiency; reforms to the way existing agencies work with families which deliver results more quickly for children; and a simpler service for families which are separating, aimed at helping them to focus on their children and to reach agreement, if possible without going to court.

Roger Morgan, Children’s Rights Director for England said:

“I spend a lot of time listening to what young people have to say about how they are looked after and reporting these messages to Government. It is essential that children and young people are told about proposals that will directly affect them and that they are given a voice in the decisions which are made about their future, and I am pleased to have played a role in the publication of the Young Person’s Guide to the Family Justice Review.”

The Family Justice Review Panel will make its final recommendations to Governments in England and Wales this autumn.

The Young People's Guide can be downloaded at the following link: