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New adoption guidelines to outlaw discrimination on basis of parents' race and age

The government has published new statutory guidance on child adoption for local authorities and voluntary agencies and announced a review into the way that adoption agencies are regulated.

Amongst the new measures contained in the guidance are the recommendation that prospective adoptive parents should not be turned down on the grounds that they have different ethnicity to the child or on the grounds of their age. The government's figures suggested that black children took on average over 50 per cent longer to be placed for adoption than children from other ethnic groups. The figures also show that, in the last year, children over five years old were four times less likely to be adopted compared to children under five, while the number of children placed for adoption fell  by 15 per cent between March 2009 and 2010.

The government said: “ [We want] to see more children adopted where this is in their best interests, particularly those from ethnic minority backgrounds, older children and those with disabilities. Some of these children are not even considered for adoption. Local authorities and voluntary adoption agencies should also be more welcoming towards all potential adopters – and not turn people away on the grounds of race, age or social background.”

The new guidance says that:

  • local authorities must not deny children a loving home with adoptive parents only because they don’t share the same ethnic or cultural background
  • adoption should be considered for children who may have been overlooked in the past – such as older children or those with disabilities
  • local authorities should be welcoming enquiries from those wanting to adopt and no person should be turned away on the grounds of race, age or social background
  • local authorities should be making full and effective use of the Adoption Register which helps to match adoptive parents with children
  • local authorities should be making more use of voluntary adoption agencies who have specialist expertise in finding families for difficult to place children - particularly older children, children with disabilities, sibling groups and BME children.

The Secretary of State for Education, Michael Gove said: “Thousands of children are currently in the care system waiting to be adopted. Every day they wait is a day they’re denied the loving home all children deserve. But politically correct attitudes and ridiculous bureaucracy keep many of those children waiting far too long. Edicts which say children have to be adopted by families with the same ethnic background and which prevent other families adopting because they don’t fit left- wing prescriptions are denying children the love they need.

“ As a result children from ethnic minority backgrounds languish in care for longer than other kids and are denied the opportunities they deserve. This misguided nonsense punishes those who most need our help and that is why this government is sweeping it away.”

At the same time, the Children’s Minister Tim Loughton announced the details of a review into the inspection regime for local authority adoption agencies, which is operated by Ofsted. It has set up a Ministerial Advisory Group on Adoption to provide expert advice on a range of practical proposals, including a pilot scheme, run by the British Association for Adoption and Fostering (BAAF) to support and challenge local authorities to make better use of the Adoption Register.

The government said that the proportion of local authority adoption agencies rated good or outstanding – 76% - “isn’t necessarily reflected” in the number and timeliness of adoptions taking place.

Tim Loughton said: “ Adoption can provide a permanent loving home for a child in care, so it’s disappointing that the latest statistics show a decline in adoption rates and significant variation across the country. Some local authorities place just two per cent of their children in care for adoption compared to 16 per cent in other parts of the country. While there are many fantastic local authorities and voluntary adoption agencies, I want all the professionals involved in adoption to take note of the updated guidance. I want to see more children placed for adoption, where this is in their best interests, particularly those who may have been overlooked, like older children, children from BME backgrounds and those with disabilities.

“Over the coming months, I will be looking at whether the current inspection arrangements for adoption services can be strengthened. I also want local authorities and voluntary adoption agencies to welcome people who come forward to adopt. While not all people will be suitable, local authorities and voluntary adoption agencies should give everyone who  approaches them a fair hearing and in no circumstances turn them away because of their race, age or social background.

“It’s unacceptable for vulnerable children to be denied the chance of a loving, permanent home when there are suitable parents available to adopt children. Adoption guidance published today makes clear that local authorities should be considering adoption as an important option for more children and should be pursuing this with more vigour.”

The new guidance can be downloaded by clicking on the following link: NewAdoptionGuidance