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Cafcass reveals 33% jump in public law cases

The number of public law children cases handled by Cafcass rocketed by 33% in 2009/10, it has been revealed.

The court advisory body saw 8,684 cases during the year, compared to 6,473 in 2008/09. The number of divorce and separation cases rose 15% at the same time.

Chief executive Anthony Douglas insisted that Cafcass had made “significant progress” in improving the speed in which it becomes involved in a child’s case and in increasing its capacity to help more children.

He said: “By March 2010 our family court advisers were working on over 10,000 care cases – a 20% increase on the numbers they were working on in July 2009.”

These figures have continued to rise, with 11,243 care cases fully allocated to advisers in June this year.

Douglas said: “The big increase in care cases we’ve seen is a direct result of the rising numbers of child protection referrals to local authorities and sharp increases in the numbers of children who are now the subject of child protection plans.

“Whilst this has put everyone working in child protection and the family courts under pressure, the research we carried out during the year showed that local authorities are taking appropriate actions to keep these children safe. It is positive that so many more children are getting the help and protection they deserve.”

Douglas added that Cafcass has also been looking to improve its work on cases where parents are divorcing and separating and cannot agree on arrangements for their children.