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Partnership for Schools claims local authority backing for approach to BSF programme

More than 90% of local authorities and private sector companies involved in Building Schools for the Future believe the programme will help improve education in their area by providing schools and facilities fit for the 21st century, research has claimed.

The survey of 74 local authorities and 36 contractors – conducted by Ipsos Mori on behalf of Partnerships for Schools, which is responsible for delivery of the scheme – also found that more than 80% of stakeholders agreed with the statement that “although BSF got off to a slow start, it has accelerated and is now delivering”.

Some 84% of local authorities said they were satisfied with BSF as a whole, while four in five (78%) believed that PfS is effective or very effective in delivering the programme.

Claiming the research as a strong endorsement of PfS’ approach, the agency’s chief executive Tim Byles said: “Local authorities and the private sector have always supported the aim of using the unprecedented level of investment provided by the Building Schools for the Future programme to improve education and life chances for young people and communities.

“For the first time, the results of this survey show how the positive perceptions about the benefits of BSF are becoming aligned with the reality of BSF as more local authorities become actively engaged in BSF, more deals are signed and more schools open the length and breadth of the country.”