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Ofsted launches consultation on new private fostering inspection regime

OFSTED has launched a consultation on its new broader framework for the inspection of local authorities' private fostering arrangements.

The watchdog has been responsible for inspecting local authority private fostering arrangements since 2007. Local authorities were given a duty to promote public awareness of the requirement to notify them of private fostering arrangements following the death of Victoria Climbié and inspections were carried out by the Commission for Social Care Inspectorate from 2006–2007.

The National Minimum Standards for Private Fostering and The Children (Private Arrangements for Fostering) Regulations 2005 also set out a duty for councils to satisfy themselves that the welfare of children or young people who are, or will be, privately fostered within their area is being, or will be, satisfactorily safeguarded and promoted.

OFSTED is proposing to broaden the scope of its inspections to report on the impact of local authority private fostering arrangements on outcomes for children and young people who are privately fostered, the quality of the arrangements and the quality of leadership and management. Based on information from privately fostered children and their carers and parents, local authority records and staff such as social workers, inspections will involve an evaluation of the effectiveness of the local authority in:

  • ensuring the welfare of privately fostered children and young people is safeguarded and promoted
  • meeting their duty to promote public awareness of the requirement to notify the local authority of private fostering arrangements and
  • meeting its duty to assess and support private fostering arrangements.

Private fostering is legally defined as an arrangement that occurs when a child who is under 16 (or 18 for a child with special educational needs and a disability or disabilities) is cared for by someone other than their parent or a close relative for 28 consecutive days or more, or 14 days at a boarding school during the holiday period.

The draft framework will be tested through pilot inspections and the information gathered from these and from the consultation will be used to develop the final inspection framework.

A copy of the consultation document can be accessed here.