Purpose of the Module
To support councillors in the key role of chairing all types of local authority meeting.
Perfect for
- Councillors with chairing roles e.g. Chair of Council, scrutiny chair, chair of a committee, chair of a joint forum, chair of public meetings
- Newly elected councillors (ideal as part of an induction programme) who may be asked to chair meetings
- Refresher know-how for returning councillors
Module Content
- Local authority meetings – why they are different!
- What types of meeting might you chair – adapting your approach
- The role of the chair
- The legal framework you need to know
- Your constitution
- Open and private meetings
- Defamation
- Keeping order
- Skills and approaches to ensure effective meetings
- Key actions before, during and after meetings
- What can go wrong and how to manage it if it does!
Skills Framework
Relevant for all the skills given the need for effective chairing of meetings in the context of
- Local leadership
- Partnership working
- Communication skills
- Political understanding
- Scrutiny and challenge
- Regulating and monitoring
That councillors already in chairing roles, and those who might take on this responsibility, have a clear understanding of how to be most effective as a chair.