Purpose of the Module
To understand the basics of public procurement and commercial contracting – how the council selects, appoints and works with contractors and the role of councillors.
Perfect for
- Any councillor in a leadership role
- Councillors holding relevant portfolios e.g. finance and partnerships
- Councillors involved in scrutiny of major projects/outsourcings
Module Content
- How a council goes about procuring its supplies, services and major projects including
- Engaging with suppliers
- The council’s own rules and the wider legal framework
- Social and environmental issues
- Selecting and appointing suppliers
- Running the contracts – management, monitoring and scrutiny
- The role of councillors in procurement and contracts – things to watch out for.
Skills Framework
Addresses all the skills but particularly
- Local leadership
- Partnership working
- Political understanding
- Scrutiny and challenge
That councillors understand the legal framework and local rules regulating the procurement of contractors and are confident in their role.