
At Local Government Lawyer we are committed to providing our readers with an unrivalled source of news and analysis of legal issues facing the public sector. The members of our editorial team, who have more than 30 years’ experience of legal journalism between them, update the site on a daily basis.

We welcome contributions from lawyers working for or advising public bodies – indeed from anyone who feels they can add to the debate. These articles can be on all subjects relevant to public sector legal practice, whether addressing the latest legal developments and case law or analysing management and career issues.

We are more than happy to accept unsolicited articles, although we cannot guarantee publication. It is always worth checking with us first before you put pen to paper, just in case we have already commissioned an article on the same subject from another author.

Our aim is to publish content that is relevant, informative, practical and clear.

If you feel there are subjects we should be writing about, do please let us know. We also actively welcome all feedback.

For all editorial enquires, contact:

Philip Hoult
Editor, Local Government Lawyer
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


General enquiries:

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(c) HB Editorial Services Ltd 2009-2022