
High Court: Calverton Parish Council v Nottingham City Council

Calverton Parish Council v Nottingham City Council & Ors [2015] EWHC 1078 (Admin) (21 April 2015)

This was an application brought under section 113 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 to quash, in part, the Greater Nottingham - Broxtowe Borough, Gedling Borough and Nottingham City - Aligned Core Strategies ("the ACS"), adopted by the defendant councils in September 2014. The ACS is part of the development plan for each of the three council's areas.

For the claimant: Richard Turney of Landmark Chambers, instructed by Public Access.

For the defendant councils: Morag Ellis QC of Cornerstone Barristers and Annabel Graham-Paul of Francis Taylor Building, instructed by Nottingham, Broxtowe and Gedling Borough Councils.

For the interested parties (Peveril Securities and UKPP (Toton)): 
Richard Honey of Francis Taylor Building, instructed by Walker Morris.

Click here for the judgment on Bailii


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