

Dealing with Standards of Conduct of Elected Members
Dealing with Standards of Conduct of Elected Members
Thu, 9 March 2023, 09:30 - 12:30
Online (live webinar)


From £130 + VAT

This half day course will look in detail at the current position relating to the standards regime relating to the conduct of elected members in England. Delivered by highly experienced lawyer, consultant and trainer Bethan Evans, the course will cover the full range of issues which colleagues dealing with this topic need to be confident about. It is a live event (held virtually) which means that we can keep completely up-to-date with this topic and can generate discussion and interaction.There have been a number of significant recent developments relating to the standards regime in English local government including:

This course will bring delegates completely up to date and will cover:

Delegates will have the opportunity to discuss mini scenarios which will examine issues in relation to the code and handling complaints. The course is aimed at Monitoring Officers, DMOs and all officers with a role in dealing with complaints and/or upholding member standards.


Bethan Evans

Governance Training and Consultancy

Beth is a recognised expert in local authority governance, having worked in the field for over 35 years. She worked as an in-house lawyer for nearly 20 years at four different councils in England specialising in housing, education and social care. Beth then moved into management posts, culminating in roles as a County Solicitor and a Director of Corporate Services in a unitary authority.

Beth led the Welsh Local Government Agency responsible for improvement and development in Welsh local government for three years. In 2001 she joined Bevan Brittan LLP as a partner where she led the local government team for 17 years, four of which she spent as senior partner.

Beth acted as secretary and chair of a branch and then as national chair of the (then) Local Government Group in 1998/99.



Online (live webinar)
(c) HB Editorial Services Ltd 2009-2022