

FOI: Contracts and Commercial Confidentiality - Act Now
FOI: Contracts and Commercial Confidentiality - Act Now
Thu, 23 June 2022, 10:00 - 16:00
Online (live webinar)
Information Law, Procurement, Contracts and Commercial


Cost £399 + VAT

Speaker Susan Wolf

Public authorities often receive FOI requests for information about contracts awarded, tenders or other information that might be considered to be commercially sensitive. This interactive workshop examines the legal and practical issues that arise when dealing with such requests.

This workshop provides a detailed examination of relevant exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act and the Environmental Information Regulations and considers when these exemptions may be engaged. We focus on the commercial interests and confidentiality exemptions under Sections 43 and 41 of the FOI and EIR Regulations 12(5) (9) e)and (f).

We will explore recent cases in order to enable delegates to determine when commercial information may be lawfully withheld and how to draft a refusal notice.

Real-life examples, practical scenarios and case studies, ensure that delegates understand how to apply the exemptions in practice. By the end of the workshop, delegates will have a greater confidence in deciding whether commercial information should be disclosed and how to justify their decision.

Key points:

Transparency Agenda and Public Procurement

Types of information that may be commercially sensitive

Commercial interests-what are they and how can they be prejudiced

Prejudice to commercial interests (S 43 FOI and EIR Reg 12 (5) (e)

Commercial information provided in confidence ( S41 FOI) and EIR Reg 12 (5) (f)

Drafting a Refusal Notice

Procurement and Public Authority contracting


Course was excellent and very informative. Interaction with the Tutor was really useful. I feel I have gained a better understanding of the issues we need to consider when assessing FOIA requests.
SR, Denbighshire County Council

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Online (live webinar)
(c) HB Editorial Services Ltd 2009-2022