- Title:
- Effective scrutiny methods and good practice - Bethan Evans Governance Training and Consultancy
- When:
On demand
- Where:
- In-house
- Categories:
Governance, Management
Purpose of the Module
To consider the role of scrutiny in the council, to review methods of effective scrutiny and to identify good practice and top tips.
Perfect for
- Councillors in a scrutiny role
- Councillors in a leadership role subject to scrutiny
- Councillors involved in joint scrutiny e.g. of health functions
Module Content
- The statutory requirements for scrutiny
- Call-in of decisions
- Scrutiny of policy development
- Scrutiny of health and other services
- Methodologies of scrutiny
- Examples of best practice and top tips
Skills Framework
Addresses all the skills but particularly
- Political understanding
- Scrutiny and challenge
- Regulating and monitoring
That councillors involved in scrutiny are clear on options for approaching their role and best practice examples.
(c) HB Editorial Services Ltd 2009-2022