- Title:
- Successful relationships between councillors and officers - Bethan Evans Governance Training and Consultancy
- When:
On demand
- Where:
- In-house
- Categories:
Governance, Management
Purpose of the Module
To address the key relationship between councillors and officers, to consider the potential areas of friction/risk, to review good practice and guidance and to consider relevant codes of conduct.
Perfect for
- Newly elected councillors (ideal as part of an induction programme)
- Councillors in leadership roles
- Councillors on Standards Committees
- Councillors in HR roles e.g. staffing committee or appeal panels
Module Content
- The role of elected councillors in local government
- The role of officers (including statutory officers)
- The central importance of the relationship between members and officers in an effective council
- Good practice and guidance
- Relevant codes and protocols including any local codes and member/officer protocols
- Areas of potential risk/friction and how to avoid/mitigate these
- Skills Framework
Addresses all the skills but particularly
- Local leadership
- Partnership working
- Communication skills
- Political understanding
That councillors fully understand the inter-dependent roles of members and officers and are confident in the codes, protocols and legal requirements which apply to the relationship.
(c) HB Editorial Services Ltd 2009-2022