

Virtual mock trial -
Virtual mock trial - "The Corona Trial" - Weightmans
Wed, 1 July 2020, 11:00 - 12:30
Online (live webinar)
Litigation and Enforcement, Transport and Highways, Coronavirus


Cost: Free

This training is a look at a possible future; the 'new normal' and the concept of virtual trials in delegates' cases. The training is aimed at those who would consider virtual trials for their claims. The trial and the risk management points are of universal application (not just to highway authorities).

Delegates will see how the court is able to run a virtual trial, from start to finish including cross examination of witnesses and judgement. Delegates will also see how the court approaches an alleged illegal journey and the Highway Authority’s risk based decision to suspend highway safety inspections. For highway authorities, there are important S.58 issues here.

"The Corona Trial" - the story so far

Mid lockdown at 10:55pm, and the centre of Gotham is quiet, apart from the sound of Dominique Goings taking exercise. In a flash, she has fallen, suffering a sprained ankle. The first that Gotham City Council know of this is a claim for damages.

In the midst of the lockdown, there were no highway inspections and no one should have been there. Post lockdown, Gotham County Court is so overwhelmed with business that only virtual trials are on offer. The parties agree to try the first virtual highway tripping trial.

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Online (live webinar)
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